Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 15, 2012

Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way.
-- George Evans
This quote specifies the true meaning of how students work best in their schools. It states that every student has his or her own potential to learn but at his or hers own pace. It is never too late for a student to comprehend their material. 
Before a Test, a Poverty of Words
This inspirational article talks about the importance of a child being exposed to a wide range of vocabulary, versus children who are not as exposed to an open range of vocabulary. Children who have parents with certified jobs are more open to a great deal of vocabulary words. Therefore, this expands a child’s vocabulary, unlike children who are growing up in poverty, were the vocabulary expansion is narrowed. Children with the qualified parent have a greater advantage because high-ranking vocabulary is used every day by that parent than with children who have lived in poverty or are non-native speakers. These children are not exposed to a vast amount of vocabulary words. I personally agree to this. Our society is increasing in numbers, vocabulary is increasing, knowledge is increasing, and it is significant for parents to teach these young children to have some knowledge of a variety of words. This article inspires parents and teachers to give these children more vocabulary knowledge so they will not struggle in their future career.

In class after taking notes for almost 50 minutes it feels wonderful for the teacher to say “okay, everyone get up and walk for few minutes it seems like everyone is tired.” Its feels fantastic to be able to stretch your legs and walk around for a few minutes. I think a student’s brain needs it after a long day of the taking notes.

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