Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.”
 -John Dewey
This quote is my favorite! Education has many characteristics and it is not just learning information and forgetting it later, education is being able to perceive all these characteristics in order to prepare a student for their future their life, because having education is life as a whole. Where would humans be if it wasn’t for the magnificence of education?

Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say

As a student I do believe that technology has made a huge difference on how students perceive their education. In the article it displays teacher’s observations on how technology has changed the way students absorb information. Some educators or adults might view technology as a way of distraction, others might see it as a way for students to better themselves in their learning abilities. I believe it is a mixture of both. Using technology for a suitable cause, such as, staying in touch by sending pictures to relatives from afar once a month, on Facebook is efficient, but being on Facebook every hour in a day is simply unnecessary and a way to distract the student into turning in their project or important essay. It becomes an unpleasant habit because of the effects it brings to the student later on. Some students might not do their homework because they were on Facebook or texting all day, therefore, technology would be an obstacle to their way of learning. On the contrary some students might be typing an important research essay and they may need all types of research in order to accomplish these tasks, therefore, making technology an easier and more helpful source. What this article states is that teachers need to better their teaching skills by capturing students attention and make it a more entertaining environment for them to learn. If the way of educating students was more entertaining it would be easier for students to grasp the material covered in class, instead of having a boring lecture.

I am proud to know that most students in school are always willing to learn. In a class I observed students interested in learning what the teacher was teaching. It was fascinating to watch students so cooperatively attentive to what was being taught, and also asking questions when something was not understood. It is a useful way of learning when students ask questions on what is being taught.

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