Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Education is powerful. It makes an impact on anyone. It is the key to success and it makes a difference by changing the world into a more improved world.

Campaign Tries to Help Defuse Bullying

          This article is really important for everyone in school to be aware of. Bullying is very common in schools and it must be stopped. I believe that it is worthy for students to know that there should be something done when witnessing bullying anywhere. Adults will not always be there to protect children from being bullied that is why parents, teachers, and most importantly students should pass the word on that bullying is NOT cool. Most everyday children are bullied and nothing is done. Parents should not only give children advice on other subjects but they should also communicate with them about bullying and how it is not funny because people get hurt and that not only is it physically but emotionally feelings get hurt also. If anyone is ever a witness of bullying do not just stand there and witness the situation, become the hero and defend the person being bullied. Get the victim out of the situation or immediately tell an adult because it is better to say “I witnessed bullying and I stopped it”, rather than saying “I witnessed bullying and nothing was ever done.” This world would be a safer one if everyone took a second step by spreading the word that bullying is not cool and not just being a witness but also by being the person that does something about it.

It is really cool that our school has club days. Some students look forward to having a different day for a change. It is exciting to be in a club that you get to choose and also get to participate in. I enjoy whenever we have club days because I get to do something different in my day.   

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