Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 18, 2012

November 18, 2012

Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.
-- Plato

This is a magnificent quote stated by Plato! I believe every teacher should follow this quote not only am I referring to the teachers at school but also the parents because they are the teachers at home. Trainers should not teach the material with neither force nor harshness to the minds of children, but they should direct the material to them in a way that may interest them as children so that you as a teacher or parent are able to solve his or her strength and discover the intelligence and talents that each of them has in their own unique ways.


College Credit Eyed for Online Courses

I think the massive open online courses or the MOOC’s is a great idea for students seeking a new experience. This can help kids financially and educationally. I personally believe if students are able to participate well in these courses then they should have the right to continue being a part of them as long as they are safe, easy to maneuver, and educational. What can be better than waking up late and still do well in these courses? As long as the work is done and the student has knowledge of the online class then I believe it is a magnificent idea and of great use.


It is courteous to help kids who need the extra help. I myself have experienced this and have learned to be patient with kids who have disabilities. I appreciate those teachers who help kids that need the extra time, help, and patience. That is why I thank these teachers so much for their hard work in educating these students.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 9, 2012

Nov. 9, 2012
"Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions."
-- William Allin
Education to me is not the only answer to the question but the meaning of the answer to all the questions. This quote in my views is not only stating that education is the solution to the problem but it signifies that education is the solution to all problems.
More Students Return to Classroom, at Strange Schools in Strange Places
I feel that everyone should work together at a tragic time like this in New York, when a hurricane has occurred and students and their families have lost everything, and when students are in desperate need of educational help. I think it was an agreeable idea to reopen schools at a time where tragedy has occurred because it is a time were everyone should stick together, grow from the disaster that has happened, and effected everyone in some awful way. At the same time it is a time for families to reunite and comfort each other with what has happened. These students, of course, are going through a hard time and especially going to school were they probably are not familiar with students, teachers, or even the surrounding of the school itself. This is why it is a very worthy idea to be able to proceed with their schooling to be able to learn how to cope and grow out of this dilemma that has caused many families to become homeless.
I am so proud that there is after-school provided for students who need help on anatomy, math, or any other subject. This is a great way for students to understand or practice what they might be having trouble on in the subject. Teachers take their own time to stay after school for students who need this help and I very much appreciate it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Education is powerful. It makes an impact on anyone. It is the key to success and it makes a difference by changing the world into a more improved world.

Campaign Tries to Help Defuse Bullying

          This article is really important for everyone in school to be aware of. Bullying is very common in schools and it must be stopped. I believe that it is worthy for students to know that there should be something done when witnessing bullying anywhere. Adults will not always be there to protect children from being bullied that is why parents, teachers, and most importantly students should pass the word on that bullying is NOT cool. Most everyday children are bullied and nothing is done. Parents should not only give children advice on other subjects but they should also communicate with them about bullying and how it is not funny because people get hurt and that not only is it physically but emotionally feelings get hurt also. If anyone is ever a witness of bullying do not just stand there and witness the situation, become the hero and defend the person being bullied. Get the victim out of the situation or immediately tell an adult because it is better to say “I witnessed bullying and I stopped it”, rather than saying “I witnessed bullying and nothing was ever done.” This world would be a safer one if everyone took a second step by spreading the word that bullying is not cool and not just being a witness but also by being the person that does something about it.

It is really cool that our school has club days. Some students look forward to having a different day for a change. It is exciting to be in a club that you get to choose and also get to participate in. I enjoy whenever we have club days because I get to do something different in my day.   

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.”
 -John Dewey
This quote is my favorite! Education has many characteristics and it is not just learning information and forgetting it later, education is being able to perceive all these characteristics in order to prepare a student for their future their life, because having education is life as a whole. Where would humans be if it wasn’t for the magnificence of education?

Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say

As a student I do believe that technology has made a huge difference on how students perceive their education. In the article it displays teacher’s observations on how technology has changed the way students absorb information. Some educators or adults might view technology as a way of distraction, others might see it as a way for students to better themselves in their learning abilities. I believe it is a mixture of both. Using technology for a suitable cause, such as, staying in touch by sending pictures to relatives from afar once a month, on Facebook is efficient, but being on Facebook every hour in a day is simply unnecessary and a way to distract the student into turning in their project or important essay. It becomes an unpleasant habit because of the effects it brings to the student later on. Some students might not do their homework because they were on Facebook or texting all day, therefore, technology would be an obstacle to their way of learning. On the contrary some students might be typing an important research essay and they may need all types of research in order to accomplish these tasks, therefore, making technology an easier and more helpful source. What this article states is that teachers need to better their teaching skills by capturing students attention and make it a more entertaining environment for them to learn. If the way of educating students was more entertaining it would be easier for students to grasp the material covered in class, instead of having a boring lecture.

I am proud to know that most students in school are always willing to learn. In a class I observed students interested in learning what the teacher was teaching. It was fascinating to watch students so cooperatively attentive to what was being taught, and also asking questions when something was not understood. It is a useful way of learning when students ask questions on what is being taught.