Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23, 2012


"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing"


I love this quote because I believe it's true. This quote also goes along with the article I have posted below. Doctors tend to no nothing about the person, some about the disease, and little about the medicine. I believe that the only cure is to actually get to know the person. I believe that diseases can be formed by the people, feelings that are within the person, and that the only cure is by getting to know the person and maybe getting to know what is bothering the person or how can you make the person happier. I believe people should live their lives to the fullest, not by medications prescribed by doctors that take your money.

Study Of Malaysian Tribe Could Help Find East Asian Skin Color Genes 

n.p. "Study Of Malaysian Tribe Could Help Find East Asian Skin Color Genes." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 30 Aug. 2012. Web.
21 Sep. 2012. <>

I think this article is very interesting because it's basically talking about how scientist are trying to figure out a way to prevent skin cancer.  The article is saying that the more the people travel the world and mix it's going to be even harder to figure out how original East Asian skin colors evolve. Scientists are trying to figure out why East Asians have light skin but lower skin cancer rates than Europeans. This can lead them into the answers on how to prevent skin cancer. The genes of how you get different skin colors is unknown. That is interesting how some genes in your DNA can completely change how a person looks. Its incredible how nature works when it comes to your body.

In our Medical Terminology class one thing our teacher does for us so we can soak in all our medical terms, is she makes us take notes, look at pictures, and she basically explains what was on our textbooks but in a way that we can understand. Then she gives us a whole day to study, and use our CD’s, that have games in them, so we can learn our terms in a fun and better way. She even lets us ask questions, review, and we go over our material again. That’s something I think is really cool because for those of us who have trouble understanding those big words that tend to be in the medical field and in our textbook’s it’s going to be hard to try to do it all on our own at home, and not have at least one more class period to look over it and actually learn it. Having that extra class day where it’s quiet and you can actually study the material while having fun in class, and the teacher is there to help you, then that is a good opportunity to be able to have that extra day. I think in order to learn big terms like the variety we use in Medical Terminology, were you will need to know these terms for your job in the future, the only way to learn them is to not only study them at home but also go over them that whole day in class, one more time. Using words continuously and having two whole classroom periods to review everything in one chapter is better than trying to cram everything in students heads for only one whole class period.

1 comment:

  1. In your news article, always try to connect it to education. 4
