Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 4, 2012

“In fact, most Americans are makers and takers- proud of our making, blind to our taking.”
~Michael Grunwald

This quote has a lot of meaning to me because the quote is in this article that I have chosen and I love the words the author has chosen. I believe it is true that we "are makers and takers", "proud of our making", and "blind" to what we take advantage of. I really like the word choice of the quote. I do believe that we work, and are proud of what we do and we take advantage not realizing what we take.

Article of current Event: 
"The Sun is shining on Miami Beach, and I wake up in subsidized housing. I throw on a T-shirt made of subsidized cotton, brush my teeth with subsidized water and eat cereal made of subsidized grain."
Grunwald, Michael. "One Nation On Welfare. Living You Life On The Dole." Time. 17 Sept 2012: 32-37. Print.
 I didn't really realized how much the government is involved in until I read this article. Everything I do every day is subsidized. It could even go into the air I breathe. It's clean because if the government wasn't involved in keeping it clean it would probably be polluted. There is not one thing I can think of that doesn't involve the government. I used to complain about my parents having to pay a lot of taxes, and that feeling can still be there at times, but this author's quote really made a huge learning experience for me. It made me realize how important government is in our lives. 

In Anatomy the teacher allowed us to dissect frogs in our class and taught us the parts of the frog, and the functions of each organelle.  I enjoyed her allowing us to dissect frogs instead of just us virtually doing it without actually being able to really see or feel the organelles. I know some of us are not really a fan of dissections I am not one either, but the fact of actually having the frog right in front of us instead of just virtually doing it or having a whole lecture on the functions and organelles, made me want to do hands on activities in a class that I may teach one day.


  1. 3.75 You need to discuss the importance of the quote.

  2. Selena--I love your point about hands-on activities. It is SOOOO much easier in a classroom to just tell students about things (lecture to them, have them copy notes, let them watch a frog being dissected), but it is SOOO less effective. Great teachers really know how to teach from the "sidelines" and allow the students to learn by doing. I'm glad you are witnessing this in your own classes (and that you plan to remember it:-). Mrs. L
