Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

"The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done."
Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Swiss cognitive psychologist.

This quote is cool. It talks about education is to create men who can make a difference in our society not to keep repeating what society has already seen. I chose this quote because society has chosen us to make a difference for the good not for bad.

Stuyvesant Students Describe the How and the Why of Cheating

Cheating is not something productive that children should do, but yet students at Stuyvesant explain why it tends to be common. Some students chose to get the easy way out instead of learning to grasp the material. This article talks about how cheating on homework, quizzes, and tests are common, and it explains how cheating on an exam is not as common but it often happens. Some students use their cell phones or their technology as an advantage to be able to cheat and get a good grade rather than to study and almost fail. Basically teachers wonder “how do we distinguish which pupil is the top student, if they all have the same answers?” Students get lightly punished sometimes for this, therefore students will keep cheating. I agree that students do get lightly punished and am not surprised that some students have done this because there will always be that one kid along with his friends that give eat other the answers on the homework. After all some kids want to get into a good school, therefore they will risk it all just to get into a school of their dreams.

In one of my classes my teacher turned on the radio and allowed us to listen to the music. It was soothing to hear the radio on while diligently doing our school work. Music can make some students concentrate better while doing their assignments. I tend to work better when I listen to music. My day was certainly brightened when I heard the sound of music in the classroom. I wished every teacher would do that whenever they assign students to quietly work. I am going to be sure that whenever I assign quiet assignments that my students listen to the soothing sound of music.

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