Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

Perhaps what Mr. Hutchins is meaning that the purpose of education is to prepare the young students to educate themselves when they are grown up enough to have the ability to educate themselves.

Arrests in a Freshman’s Drinking Death Reflect a Tougher Approach
Actions have consequences and it is important to think them through very clearly before they are made because once they are made there is sometimes no way to turn back. David Bogenberger a 19 year old freshman student at Northern Illinois University made the decision to drink and sadly it cost him his life. Not only did the decision affect him but it affected his family as well. In this case it seemed to have been preplanned to get him intoxicated of course no one got away with this plan and charges were brought out to students, they confessed, and were set free on bond.  

I am happy that our school gives out certificates to students who have received all A’s and B’s. That makes some students want to work harder to receive those awards others do not care. I believe it is polite to acknowledge every student who is actually trying to have good grades. I believe that if a student has good grades and is working hard to receive those worthy grades than there must be something they receive in return such as a certificate to honor the path they are taking. I also believe that this will help students realize that if they work hard in college, although they might not be striving for certificates, they might realize that they are striving for a better future and a better career.

December 27, 2012

I believe that what George Washington Carver was perhaps expressing was that if a person is educated than that opens a special door that is filled with freedom.

School Bus Drivers’ Union Threatens to Strike in January
This article explains how school bus drivers plan to go on a strike. Mr. Bloomberg explains how it would be unacceptable for the New York bus drivers to go on a strike because students have already missed school because of Hurricane Sandy, and if this strike breaks out even more damage would be done to the students who are seeking for an education. I believe what these students need at this point is hope and help, not more problems. Instead of fighting and causing more problems why not help and do something for these students and families that have lost their homes and their schools? These students and families have been through enough. They need protection, shelter, food, and an education because an education is something that will help these students overcome this tragedy that they have been faced with.

It is very noble for our teachers to acknowledge the students who help someone out or do something nice for another student or teacher. It makes me smile to pass by the hall and see who the student of the month is because I know they have done something special to be honored.

December 27, 2012


Benjamin Franklin maybe is saying that education is a worthy investment because of what results a person may receive in their long educational journey. If a person gets educated and has completed high school and then college then a person will most likely receive a higher wage than a person who only completed high school. Therefore, education is a worthy investment in the knowledge because it pays the best interest.

Facing the Unendurable, Families Lay to Rest Two Children, Both 6
I never met these children, but in my heart I know they were beautiful and talented each and every one of them. They were children and students who their precious lives where ahead of them. If it was not for their bravery and their actions perhaps more children would have been taken away from this world. This unexplainable act cost the lives of these innocent children. Not only did these brave children help slow the crime, but also the heroic teachers and faculty as well. If it was not for them even more students and faculty may have been gone as well. My respect and grief goes out to these families, teachers, faculty, and to the lives of these beautiful precious innocent children. May they all rest in peace.

It is wonderful that schools have Christmas break. Christmas break is a wonderful time to spend with family, decorate the Christmas tree, eat with the family, and I have not forgotten it is a perfect break to open up those textbooks and notes and review them.

December 27, 2012

I agree with Nelson Mandela that education is the most powerful weapon. If a person is educated they have the power to change the world. For example, receiving education gives a person the knowledge to be able to teach other people. Then other people get educated and teach the next generation. This chain causes an educational change in the world.

With a Parent off Again at War, a Holiday of Pride and Isolation
I can almost imagine how difficult it is for students whose parents are at war or heading to war. It might feel difficult to concentrate on school work knowing that a parent is fighting a war and not knowing whether he or she is okay. The thought of feeling lonely conquers most students’ hearts, and the feeling that most people have forgotten that the parents and or relatives of families are still at war. Some students take their parents being at war with sorrow that one day a call might tell them their parent is gone. Other students take their parents at war with pride that the parent is simply doing his or her job. It is a part of some student’s lives and I respect that.

I believe having exams is a suitable for students in order for them to see what he or she has learned throughout the semester. It might not be a blast for students, I know I am not a fan of exams, but I am proud that schools have exams because it is a way for students to see what has been learned throughout the semester.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 8, 2012


The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

~Sydney J. Harris

The significance of this quote is of great value. When educators get educated there are more opportunities available for educators. The mirrors become what could have been of the educators who were not educated, but the windows become the path of opportunity.

For Young Latino Readers, an Image Is Missing
Today a variety of cultures are becoming widespread throughout this country. This article explains how the Hispanic students are accumulating and how most young Hispanic students notice that most main characters in books are white. This article also explains how Latino children try to relate to these white main characters, but they find it difficult to relate to a main character that does not have the same cultural values that a Latino child might have. As a Latina I agree with this article because I believe that children should be able to relate to a character in a novel that is being read by them or a novel that is being read to them. For instance, this article shows how the Hispanic population is rising and that there are few novels that are available with Hispanic characters in them. It is not just Latino children, but it is also other non-English speakers as well. As shown in this article Jeff Byrd, senior product manager for reading at Houghton Mifflin, shows a significant point by saying that “students should be able to see themselves in a high-quality text.” I agree students should be exposed to novels that are a way of relating with their culture and language. As this article points out, if there were novels only about white characters a Hispanic student like I might not feel as if they were to belong in the school with their own different cultural values and languages. Teachers should also be willing to collaborate and put in their part to make sure that there are variety of books with different cultural values and characters. For example, a third-grade teacher in this article says a valuable statement about how she would like to tell students with different cultures and languages “‘this book reminds me of you.’”
It is very useful that our high schools have a variety of novels with different cultural values, languages, and barriers that students can relate to. Students tend to read more books if they can relate to them. Therefore, it is important for schools to have a variety of novels available so it can help interest students into reading more novels.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

November 30, 2012


"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."

-- Malcolm Forbes

What Forbes is saying is that the purpose of education is to fill an ignorant mind with a mind that can be filled with education and skills. Education is important because it fills the brain up with knowledge and new things are learned.  


Another Look at What Young Children Should Be Learning

It is important for teachers to know the importance of being able to teach students in their classes. There are four effective categories that are mentioned in this article: knowledge, skills, dispositions, and feelings. I absolutely agree with this article. I believe these are very important categories for the way of learning. Not only are there categories mentioned, but also, it is very important for teachers to assign activities to students that have a useful purpose to what the students are learning. This article discusses how most teachers assign activities for students to complete in order to try and fulfill a purpose on what was supposed to be learned, but most students do not understand the assignment nor do they understand the purpose. The activity just gets done because it has to get done. Because of this the material that was supposed to be learned from the assignment was not, and therefore, the activity was not useful to the students. It is essential for students to be able to not only successfully complete an assignment, but it is also important for students to be able to understand the purpose of the assignment as well.
Children have learning barriers, and it is important for teachers to realize these barriers affect their way of learning. Teachers should help students or support students because their barrier can affect how they learn. Students cannot learn if they do not have the resources needed to learn. This is why it is important for teachers to observe students behavior and encourage them to fulfill their dreams.