Sunday, December 2, 2012

November 30, 2012


"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."

-- Malcolm Forbes

What Forbes is saying is that the purpose of education is to fill an ignorant mind with a mind that can be filled with education and skills. Education is important because it fills the brain up with knowledge and new things are learned.  


Another Look at What Young Children Should Be Learning

It is important for teachers to know the importance of being able to teach students in their classes. There are four effective categories that are mentioned in this article: knowledge, skills, dispositions, and feelings. I absolutely agree with this article. I believe these are very important categories for the way of learning. Not only are there categories mentioned, but also, it is very important for teachers to assign activities to students that have a useful purpose to what the students are learning. This article discusses how most teachers assign activities for students to complete in order to try and fulfill a purpose on what was supposed to be learned, but most students do not understand the assignment nor do they understand the purpose. The activity just gets done because it has to get done. Because of this the material that was supposed to be learned from the assignment was not, and therefore, the activity was not useful to the students. It is essential for students to be able to not only successfully complete an assignment, but it is also important for students to be able to understand the purpose of the assignment as well.
Children have learning barriers, and it is important for teachers to realize these barriers affect their way of learning. Teachers should help students or support students because their barrier can affect how they learn. Students cannot learn if they do not have the resources needed to learn. This is why it is important for teachers to observe students behavior and encourage them to fulfill their dreams.

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