Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

I believe that what George Washington Carver was perhaps expressing was that if a person is educated than that opens a special door that is filled with freedom.

School Bus Drivers’ Union Threatens to Strike in January
This article explains how school bus drivers plan to go on a strike. Mr. Bloomberg explains how it would be unacceptable for the New York bus drivers to go on a strike because students have already missed school because of Hurricane Sandy, and if this strike breaks out even more damage would be done to the students who are seeking for an education. I believe what these students need at this point is hope and help, not more problems. Instead of fighting and causing more problems why not help and do something for these students and families that have lost their homes and their schools? These students and families have been through enough. They need protection, shelter, food, and an education because an education is something that will help these students overcome this tragedy that they have been faced with.

It is very noble for our teachers to acknowledge the students who help someone out or do something nice for another student or teacher. It makes me smile to pass by the hall and see who the student of the month is because I know they have done something special to be honored.

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