Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

Perhaps what Mr. Hutchins is meaning that the purpose of education is to prepare the young students to educate themselves when they are grown up enough to have the ability to educate themselves.

Arrests in a Freshman’s Drinking Death Reflect a Tougher Approach
Actions have consequences and it is important to think them through very clearly before they are made because once they are made there is sometimes no way to turn back. David Bogenberger a 19 year old freshman student at Northern Illinois University made the decision to drink and sadly it cost him his life. Not only did the decision affect him but it affected his family as well. In this case it seemed to have been preplanned to get him intoxicated of course no one got away with this plan and charges were brought out to students, they confessed, and were set free on bond.  

I am happy that our school gives out certificates to students who have received all A’s and B’s. That makes some students want to work harder to receive those awards others do not care. I believe it is polite to acknowledge every student who is actually trying to have good grades. I believe that if a student has good grades and is working hard to receive those worthy grades than there must be something they receive in return such as a certificate to honor the path they are taking. I also believe that this will help students realize that if they work hard in college, although they might not be striving for certificates, they might realize that they are striving for a better future and a better career.

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