Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

I agree with Nelson Mandela that education is the most powerful weapon. If a person is educated they have the power to change the world. For example, receiving education gives a person the knowledge to be able to teach other people. Then other people get educated and teach the next generation. This chain causes an educational change in the world.

With a Parent off Again at War, a Holiday of Pride and Isolation
I can almost imagine how difficult it is for students whose parents are at war or heading to war. It might feel difficult to concentrate on school work knowing that a parent is fighting a war and not knowing whether he or she is okay. The thought of feeling lonely conquers most students’ hearts, and the feeling that most people have forgotten that the parents and or relatives of families are still at war. Some students take their parents being at war with sorrow that one day a call might tell them their parent is gone. Other students take their parents at war with pride that the parent is simply doing his or her job. It is a part of some student’s lives and I respect that.

I believe having exams is a suitable for students in order for them to see what he or she has learned throughout the semester. It might not be a blast for students, I know I am not a fan of exams, but I am proud that schools have exams because it is a way for students to see what has been learned throughout the semester.

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