Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

Perhaps what Mr. Hutchins is meaning that the purpose of education is to prepare the young students to educate themselves when they are grown up enough to have the ability to educate themselves.

Arrests in a Freshman’s Drinking Death Reflect a Tougher Approach
Actions have consequences and it is important to think them through very clearly before they are made because once they are made there is sometimes no way to turn back. David Bogenberger a 19 year old freshman student at Northern Illinois University made the decision to drink and sadly it cost him his life. Not only did the decision affect him but it affected his family as well. In this case it seemed to have been preplanned to get him intoxicated of course no one got away with this plan and charges were brought out to students, they confessed, and were set free on bond.  

I am happy that our school gives out certificates to students who have received all A’s and B’s. That makes some students want to work harder to receive those awards others do not care. I believe it is polite to acknowledge every student who is actually trying to have good grades. I believe that if a student has good grades and is working hard to receive those worthy grades than there must be something they receive in return such as a certificate to honor the path they are taking. I also believe that this will help students realize that if they work hard in college, although they might not be striving for certificates, they might realize that they are striving for a better future and a better career.

December 27, 2012

I believe that what George Washington Carver was perhaps expressing was that if a person is educated than that opens a special door that is filled with freedom.

School Bus Drivers’ Union Threatens to Strike in January
This article explains how school bus drivers plan to go on a strike. Mr. Bloomberg explains how it would be unacceptable for the New York bus drivers to go on a strike because students have already missed school because of Hurricane Sandy, and if this strike breaks out even more damage would be done to the students who are seeking for an education. I believe what these students need at this point is hope and help, not more problems. Instead of fighting and causing more problems why not help and do something for these students and families that have lost their homes and their schools? These students and families have been through enough. They need protection, shelter, food, and an education because an education is something that will help these students overcome this tragedy that they have been faced with.

It is very noble for our teachers to acknowledge the students who help someone out or do something nice for another student or teacher. It makes me smile to pass by the hall and see who the student of the month is because I know they have done something special to be honored.

December 27, 2012


Benjamin Franklin maybe is saying that education is a worthy investment because of what results a person may receive in their long educational journey. If a person gets educated and has completed high school and then college then a person will most likely receive a higher wage than a person who only completed high school. Therefore, education is a worthy investment in the knowledge because it pays the best interest.

Facing the Unendurable, Families Lay to Rest Two Children, Both 6
I never met these children, but in my heart I know they were beautiful and talented each and every one of them. They were children and students who their precious lives where ahead of them. If it was not for their bravery and their actions perhaps more children would have been taken away from this world. This unexplainable act cost the lives of these innocent children. Not only did these brave children help slow the crime, but also the heroic teachers and faculty as well. If it was not for them even more students and faculty may have been gone as well. My respect and grief goes out to these families, teachers, faculty, and to the lives of these beautiful precious innocent children. May they all rest in peace.

It is wonderful that schools have Christmas break. Christmas break is a wonderful time to spend with family, decorate the Christmas tree, eat with the family, and I have not forgotten it is a perfect break to open up those textbooks and notes and review them.

December 27, 2012

I agree with Nelson Mandela that education is the most powerful weapon. If a person is educated they have the power to change the world. For example, receiving education gives a person the knowledge to be able to teach other people. Then other people get educated and teach the next generation. This chain causes an educational change in the world.

With a Parent off Again at War, a Holiday of Pride and Isolation
I can almost imagine how difficult it is for students whose parents are at war or heading to war. It might feel difficult to concentrate on school work knowing that a parent is fighting a war and not knowing whether he or she is okay. The thought of feeling lonely conquers most students’ hearts, and the feeling that most people have forgotten that the parents and or relatives of families are still at war. Some students take their parents being at war with sorrow that one day a call might tell them their parent is gone. Other students take their parents at war with pride that the parent is simply doing his or her job. It is a part of some student’s lives and I respect that.

I believe having exams is a suitable for students in order for them to see what he or she has learned throughout the semester. It might not be a blast for students, I know I am not a fan of exams, but I am proud that schools have exams because it is a way for students to see what has been learned throughout the semester.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 8, 2012


The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

~Sydney J. Harris

The significance of this quote is of great value. When educators get educated there are more opportunities available for educators. The mirrors become what could have been of the educators who were not educated, but the windows become the path of opportunity.

For Young Latino Readers, an Image Is Missing
Today a variety of cultures are becoming widespread throughout this country. This article explains how the Hispanic students are accumulating and how most young Hispanic students notice that most main characters in books are white. This article also explains how Latino children try to relate to these white main characters, but they find it difficult to relate to a main character that does not have the same cultural values that a Latino child might have. As a Latina I agree with this article because I believe that children should be able to relate to a character in a novel that is being read by them or a novel that is being read to them. For instance, this article shows how the Hispanic population is rising and that there are few novels that are available with Hispanic characters in them. It is not just Latino children, but it is also other non-English speakers as well. As shown in this article Jeff Byrd, senior product manager for reading at Houghton Mifflin, shows a significant point by saying that “students should be able to see themselves in a high-quality text.” I agree students should be exposed to novels that are a way of relating with their culture and language. As this article points out, if there were novels only about white characters a Hispanic student like I might not feel as if they were to belong in the school with their own different cultural values and languages. Teachers should also be willing to collaborate and put in their part to make sure that there are variety of books with different cultural values and characters. For example, a third-grade teacher in this article says a valuable statement about how she would like to tell students with different cultures and languages “‘this book reminds me of you.’”
It is very useful that our high schools have a variety of novels with different cultural values, languages, and barriers that students can relate to. Students tend to read more books if they can relate to them. Therefore, it is important for schools to have a variety of novels available so it can help interest students into reading more novels.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

November 30, 2012


"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."

-- Malcolm Forbes

What Forbes is saying is that the purpose of education is to fill an ignorant mind with a mind that can be filled with education and skills. Education is important because it fills the brain up with knowledge and new things are learned.  


Another Look at What Young Children Should Be Learning

It is important for teachers to know the importance of being able to teach students in their classes. There are four effective categories that are mentioned in this article: knowledge, skills, dispositions, and feelings. I absolutely agree with this article. I believe these are very important categories for the way of learning. Not only are there categories mentioned, but also, it is very important for teachers to assign activities to students that have a useful purpose to what the students are learning. This article discusses how most teachers assign activities for students to complete in order to try and fulfill a purpose on what was supposed to be learned, but most students do not understand the assignment nor do they understand the purpose. The activity just gets done because it has to get done. Because of this the material that was supposed to be learned from the assignment was not, and therefore, the activity was not useful to the students. It is essential for students to be able to not only successfully complete an assignment, but it is also important for students to be able to understand the purpose of the assignment as well.
Children have learning barriers, and it is important for teachers to realize these barriers affect their way of learning. Teachers should help students or support students because their barrier can affect how they learn. Students cannot learn if they do not have the resources needed to learn. This is why it is important for teachers to observe students behavior and encourage them to fulfill their dreams.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 18, 2012

November 18, 2012

Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.
-- Plato

This is a magnificent quote stated by Plato! I believe every teacher should follow this quote not only am I referring to the teachers at school but also the parents because they are the teachers at home. Trainers should not teach the material with neither force nor harshness to the minds of children, but they should direct the material to them in a way that may interest them as children so that you as a teacher or parent are able to solve his or her strength and discover the intelligence and talents that each of them has in their own unique ways.


College Credit Eyed for Online Courses

I think the massive open online courses or the MOOC’s is a great idea for students seeking a new experience. This can help kids financially and educationally. I personally believe if students are able to participate well in these courses then they should have the right to continue being a part of them as long as they are safe, easy to maneuver, and educational. What can be better than waking up late and still do well in these courses? As long as the work is done and the student has knowledge of the online class then I believe it is a magnificent idea and of great use.


It is courteous to help kids who need the extra help. I myself have experienced this and have learned to be patient with kids who have disabilities. I appreciate those teachers who help kids that need the extra time, help, and patience. That is why I thank these teachers so much for their hard work in educating these students.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 9, 2012

Nov. 9, 2012
"Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions."
-- William Allin
Education to me is not the only answer to the question but the meaning of the answer to all the questions. This quote in my views is not only stating that education is the solution to the problem but it signifies that education is the solution to all problems.
More Students Return to Classroom, at Strange Schools in Strange Places
I feel that everyone should work together at a tragic time like this in New York, when a hurricane has occurred and students and their families have lost everything, and when students are in desperate need of educational help. I think it was an agreeable idea to reopen schools at a time where tragedy has occurred because it is a time were everyone should stick together, grow from the disaster that has happened, and effected everyone in some awful way. At the same time it is a time for families to reunite and comfort each other with what has happened. These students, of course, are going through a hard time and especially going to school were they probably are not familiar with students, teachers, or even the surrounding of the school itself. This is why it is a very worthy idea to be able to proceed with their schooling to be able to learn how to cope and grow out of this dilemma that has caused many families to become homeless.
I am so proud that there is after-school provided for students who need help on anatomy, math, or any other subject. This is a great way for students to understand or practice what they might be having trouble on in the subject. Teachers take their own time to stay after school for students who need this help and I very much appreciate it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Education is powerful. It makes an impact on anyone. It is the key to success and it makes a difference by changing the world into a more improved world.

Campaign Tries to Help Defuse Bullying

          This article is really important for everyone in school to be aware of. Bullying is very common in schools and it must be stopped. I believe that it is worthy for students to know that there should be something done when witnessing bullying anywhere. Adults will not always be there to protect children from being bullied that is why parents, teachers, and most importantly students should pass the word on that bullying is NOT cool. Most everyday children are bullied and nothing is done. Parents should not only give children advice on other subjects but they should also communicate with them about bullying and how it is not funny because people get hurt and that not only is it physically but emotionally feelings get hurt also. If anyone is ever a witness of bullying do not just stand there and witness the situation, become the hero and defend the person being bullied. Get the victim out of the situation or immediately tell an adult because it is better to say “I witnessed bullying and I stopped it”, rather than saying “I witnessed bullying and nothing was ever done.” This world would be a safer one if everyone took a second step by spreading the word that bullying is not cool and not just being a witness but also by being the person that does something about it.

It is really cool that our school has club days. Some students look forward to having a different day for a change. It is exciting to be in a club that you get to choose and also get to participate in. I enjoy whenever we have club days because I get to do something different in my day.   

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

“Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself.”
 -John Dewey
This quote is my favorite! Education has many characteristics and it is not just learning information and forgetting it later, education is being able to perceive all these characteristics in order to prepare a student for their future their life, because having education is life as a whole. Where would humans be if it wasn’t for the magnificence of education?

Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say

As a student I do believe that technology has made a huge difference on how students perceive their education. In the article it displays teacher’s observations on how technology has changed the way students absorb information. Some educators or adults might view technology as a way of distraction, others might see it as a way for students to better themselves in their learning abilities. I believe it is a mixture of both. Using technology for a suitable cause, such as, staying in touch by sending pictures to relatives from afar once a month, on Facebook is efficient, but being on Facebook every hour in a day is simply unnecessary and a way to distract the student into turning in their project or important essay. It becomes an unpleasant habit because of the effects it brings to the student later on. Some students might not do their homework because they were on Facebook or texting all day, therefore, technology would be an obstacle to their way of learning. On the contrary some students might be typing an important research essay and they may need all types of research in order to accomplish these tasks, therefore, making technology an easier and more helpful source. What this article states is that teachers need to better their teaching skills by capturing students attention and make it a more entertaining environment for them to learn. If the way of educating students was more entertaining it would be easier for students to grasp the material covered in class, instead of having a boring lecture.

I am proud to know that most students in school are always willing to learn. In a class I observed students interested in learning what the teacher was teaching. It was fascinating to watch students so cooperatively attentive to what was being taught, and also asking questions when something was not understood. It is a useful way of learning when students ask questions on what is being taught.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 15, 2012

Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way.
-- George Evans
This quote specifies the true meaning of how students work best in their schools. It states that every student has his or her own potential to learn but at his or hers own pace. It is never too late for a student to comprehend their material. 
Before a Test, a Poverty of Words
This inspirational article talks about the importance of a child being exposed to a wide range of vocabulary, versus children who are not as exposed to an open range of vocabulary. Children who have parents with certified jobs are more open to a great deal of vocabulary words. Therefore, this expands a child’s vocabulary, unlike children who are growing up in poverty, were the vocabulary expansion is narrowed. Children with the qualified parent have a greater advantage because high-ranking vocabulary is used every day by that parent than with children who have lived in poverty or are non-native speakers. These children are not exposed to a vast amount of vocabulary words. I personally agree to this. Our society is increasing in numbers, vocabulary is increasing, knowledge is increasing, and it is significant for parents to teach these young children to have some knowledge of a variety of words. This article inspires parents and teachers to give these children more vocabulary knowledge so they will not struggle in their future career.

In class after taking notes for almost 50 minutes it feels wonderful for the teacher to say “okay, everyone get up and walk for few minutes it seems like everyone is tired.” Its feels fantastic to be able to stretch your legs and walk around for a few minutes. I think a student’s brain needs it after a long day of the taking notes.

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
This quote is the key to students education. In schools today, all the materials grasped throughout the years of learning should be stuck to the minds of students as if they were to live with all this knowledge forever.

Lifting Schools, via Healthier Food

This article starts off with the author telling her story of starting from the bottom, as a waitress, and how she became successful along with a fellow partner. She informs us about the essence of how her and her partner developed a business plan for healthier and affordable food for students instituted in schools. The plan formed into reality and now is called Revolution for Foods. It is very important for students to be provided with nutritious food in order for these learners to function well in their classes. This is why this process was a very essential strategy, because it is necessary for students to be able to perform well in class with nourishing meals.

Reading in multiple languages in a classroom while having some kids that speak a different language is a great way to include those students into the session discussed in class. This may make a child feel involved and as if they were not left out of the important activities going on in class. If I ever teach young children I will make sure that all students are always included and that there is never a student left behind.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 1, 2012

A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education he may steal the whole railroad.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) American president
This quote talks about how education in a university and education in general is so powerful that you have the ability to grasp the education needed to be successful.

State Is Trying to Put Brakes on High Cost of University

The cost of universities has risen greatly. This article discusses about the High university costs. Teachers and the government once again are trying to figure out a way to lower costs of tuition and fees down but at the same time keep a high education. Basically what the people are suggesting is a college that they can go to without it being subsidized. Students with low-income often need their four years in college in order to graduate and often do not because of their inability to pay it. Students much rather pay as they go instead of paying it all at once.

Observations: There is always help available for students at libraries. The librarians are very genuine and helpful. They are always willing to help in anything a student might need. They take their time to assist and succor the student in the best of their ability.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

"The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done."
Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Swiss cognitive psychologist.

This quote is cool. It talks about education is to create men who can make a difference in our society not to keep repeating what society has already seen. I chose this quote because society has chosen us to make a difference for the good not for bad.

Stuyvesant Students Describe the How and the Why of Cheating

Cheating is not something productive that children should do, but yet students at Stuyvesant explain why it tends to be common. Some students chose to get the easy way out instead of learning to grasp the material. This article talks about how cheating on homework, quizzes, and tests are common, and it explains how cheating on an exam is not as common but it often happens. Some students use their cell phones or their technology as an advantage to be able to cheat and get a good grade rather than to study and almost fail. Basically teachers wonder “how do we distinguish which pupil is the top student, if they all have the same answers?” Students get lightly punished sometimes for this, therefore students will keep cheating. I agree that students do get lightly punished and am not surprised that some students have done this because there will always be that one kid along with his friends that give eat other the answers on the homework. After all some kids want to get into a good school, therefore they will risk it all just to get into a school of their dreams.

In one of my classes my teacher turned on the radio and allowed us to listen to the music. It was soothing to hear the radio on while diligently doing our school work. Music can make some students concentrate better while doing their assignments. I tend to work better when I listen to music. My day was certainly brightened when I heard the sound of music in the classroom. I wished every teacher would do that whenever they assign students to quietly work. I am going to be sure that whenever I assign quiet assignments that my students listen to the soothing sound of music.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23, 2012


"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing"


I love this quote because I believe it's true. This quote also goes along with the article I have posted below. Doctors tend to no nothing about the person, some about the disease, and little about the medicine. I believe that the only cure is to actually get to know the person. I believe that diseases can be formed by the people, feelings that are within the person, and that the only cure is by getting to know the person and maybe getting to know what is bothering the person or how can you make the person happier. I believe people should live their lives to the fullest, not by medications prescribed by doctors that take your money.

Study Of Malaysian Tribe Could Help Find East Asian Skin Color Genes 

n.p. "Study Of Malaysian Tribe Could Help Find East Asian Skin Color Genes." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl., 30 Aug. 2012. Web.
21 Sep. 2012. <>

I think this article is very interesting because it's basically talking about how scientist are trying to figure out a way to prevent skin cancer.  The article is saying that the more the people travel the world and mix it's going to be even harder to figure out how original East Asian skin colors evolve. Scientists are trying to figure out why East Asians have light skin but lower skin cancer rates than Europeans. This can lead them into the answers on how to prevent skin cancer. The genes of how you get different skin colors is unknown. That is interesting how some genes in your DNA can completely change how a person looks. Its incredible how nature works when it comes to your body.

In our Medical Terminology class one thing our teacher does for us so we can soak in all our medical terms, is she makes us take notes, look at pictures, and she basically explains what was on our textbooks but in a way that we can understand. Then she gives us a whole day to study, and use our CD’s, that have games in them, so we can learn our terms in a fun and better way. She even lets us ask questions, review, and we go over our material again. That’s something I think is really cool because for those of us who have trouble understanding those big words that tend to be in the medical field and in our textbook’s it’s going to be hard to try to do it all on our own at home, and not have at least one more class period to look over it and actually learn it. Having that extra class day where it’s quiet and you can actually study the material while having fun in class, and the teacher is there to help you, then that is a good opportunity to be able to have that extra day. I think in order to learn big terms like the variety we use in Medical Terminology, were you will need to know these terms for your job in the future, the only way to learn them is to not only study them at home but also go over them that whole day in class, one more time. Using words continuously and having two whole classroom periods to review everything in one chapter is better than trying to cram everything in students heads for only one whole class period.